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March 29, 2007 Jewell County Record | ![]() |
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3.â RD Th rsda , March 29,200717A JEWELL COUNTY RECO u y 1996 JACO DESIGNER, fifth-wheel,. . PARKER COMPOUND hunting bow eon, real nice. 402-879-5210.Classrfieds .without significant technologychanges, a catastrophic computer col-lapse will occur.âOn Friday, FSA had to extend the set-up, complete, ready to hunt. 402- 23-13-3pPhone 402-879-3291 or .879-4904. , 16-13-th' 785-378-3191 or come to 148 E. Third in Superior or111 E. Main in Mankato toplace your ad. lirUESDAY, APRIL 17, 10:30 mile west of Superior High Schoolon Eighth St. Consigning and sellingfarm vehicles, machinery and equip-ment, vehicles, boats, campers, mo-torcycles, ATVs. tools, antiques andcollectibles. Deadline f0r advertisingis April 2. However, we will acceptconsignments up to the day of thesale. To consign, call Gale Mikkelsen,402-879-5666 or Corey Mikkelsen,402-879-1504 or the office at 402-879-4464. Mikkelsen Real Estate andAuction in charge. 14-12-4pSUNDAY, APRIL 22, 12 noon. Lo-cated four miles north of Guide Rockalong Highway 78. Selling 20 antiquetractors, 10-15 vehicles, older ma-chinery (some horse drawn), old tools,collectibles and more. Owen Konzack,seller. Montgomery Aiiction and Re-alty in charge. 14-8-9p.THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 6 p.m.. Thirdand Peoria, Nelson, Neb. Selling Sev-enth Day Adventist Church buildingand contents. Montgomery Auctionand Realty in charge. 14â13â50SUNDAY, APRIL 29, 12:30 pm. 3418. Commercial, Superior, Neb. Sell-ing guns, furniture, household items,Precious Moments and more. Mont-gomery Auction and Realty in charge.14-13-5cFRIDAY, JUNE 15, time TBA, Com-munity Hall, Hardy, Neb. Selling an-tiques, collectibles and householditemsfor Fern Miller Estate. MikkelsenReal Estate and Auction in charge. .- 14â18-12p I15-Opportunities COMSTOCK FESTIVAL-Experiencethe magic of the Comstock ViaeroWireless music series; visitWindmillfestivalcom Thursday-Sun-day June 7-10, Comstockrock.comThursday-Sunday July 19-22, andGodstock. net F riday-Saturday August3-4. Call 800-595â871 for more info.MISSOURI WELDING Institute, Inc.Nevada, Mo. Become a certified pipeand structural welder. Earn top pay in18 weeks. Many companies seek ourgraduates. 1-800-667-5885.PART TIME, home-based internetbusiness. Earn $500 - $1,000 permonth or more. Flexible hours. Train-ing provided. No investment required,Free details.»Ionline-fromhome. Medical-business-paralegal-computers-criminal justice. Job place-ment assistance. Computer provided,financial aid if qualified. Call 866â858-2121.www.onlinetidewatertechcom. ATTENTION CATTLEMEN: Stocksalt for sale, 50 pound bags. 402-879-3770. 1 6-49-tfcBLANK GIFT certificates, useful forany business, now available at TheSuperior Express. 16-40-tfpPRE-SPACED vinyl letters makesign making a snap. Have yours cus-tom made by Superior Publishing00., phone 402-879-3291. We alsomake signs and letter trucks.16-12-tfpOFFICE SUPPLIES in stock or willspecial order. Superior PublishingCompany. 16-20-tfp HOT TUB buyers. Buy direct frommanufacturer, save $1 ,500 to $2,000.For price list and discount coupon,Call 1-800-869-0406. Spas, 2645 âOâSt, Lincoln, Neb., CONTAINERS- 20x8x8;40x8x8'; 48x8.5x9.5. Camlock doors,hardwood floors support forklift. De-livery available. 1-785-655-9430Solomon; 620-277-2367 completeweb listing, photos, specs, pricing.ALL STEEL! Rigid frame or Trussbuilding. Excellent value and service.Free quote and erection estimates!Phone Sentinel Building Systems at1-800-327-0790, extension 26, or 21-Feed and-"SeedFOR SALE: Nebraska certified JerrySeed oats. Good for forage or feed.Contact Maschmann Mills, 402-365-4369 or 402-200-0004. 21-9-6c22-Vehic_l_e_s """""" FOR SALEEM1998 GMC 1/2âton, 4-'wheel drive pickup. Extended cab,short box, new burgundy paint, 42,000miles on new engine, good uphol-stery, new 10-ply tires. Get it all for,only $3,850. Phone: 402-236-8728.22-13-thAPPLY ONLINEATV andâMotorcycle Loanswww.nckbikecredit.comCars, Trucks or Vans Loanswww.nckcarcredit.comCall 1-888-243-122022-9-5cSELL YOUR classic car, truck or mo-torcycle on-line. Call this newspaperto place your ad on the web sitefor only $25. Your ad runs until yourvehicle is sold! (NPA) 314-22-tfcLOOKING FOR the classic car, truckor motorcycle of your dreams? .Go towww.midwestclassiccarscoâm. Itâsyour midwest connection to classicvehicles for sale. Need to sell a clas-sic vehicle? For only $25, your ad withphotos will run until sold! Call thisnewspaper today for more informa-tion. (NPA) 31-22-th ALL CASH candy route. Do you earn$800 in a day? Your own local candyroute. Includes 30 Machines andCandy. All for $9,995. 1-888-753-3441.DEFEND FREEDOM $15,000 Priorservice bonus. Up to $20,000 non-prior service bonus. Join our team!Call the Kansas Army National Guardnow at 1 -800-464-8273 or visit for SaleWRITTEN BIDS requested. Selling a1998 Chevrolet Lumina LS, 3.1 V6,good condition, 182,000 miles; twocomputers, 1 gig ram, 40 gig harddrive, keyboard and mouse, two 17-in. monitors and one 19-in. monitor.Send bids to Little Blue NRD, Box100, Davenport, Neb., 68335. Bidswill be accepted until Monday, April 9.402â364-2145. 16-12-20HELLO! WOULD you like to see anAvon representative? I would be gladto call on you. Alice Belden. 785-647-6211. 16-13-1pFOR SALE: Good hide-away bed,$50 or best offer; 30-â. aluminumextension ladder, $70 or best offer.Guide Rock, Neb., 402-257-3405.16-13-2p USED COLOR T.V.s, useciiefrigera:tors, used ranges, used liftâchairs.Dick's T.V., Furniture and Appliance,Mankato, Kan., 785-378â3123.16-11-th7ââ Thayer CountyHealth ServicesPositions AvailableTranscriptionistFullâtime position available totranscribe patient information.Knowledge of medical terminolâogy, Computer software andword processing is required.Excellent salary and benefitpackage. Applicant must main-v tain the strictest of conï¬dential-ity. See our website resume toAttention Malissa SittlerDirector, Human Resources,120 Park Ave.Hebron, Neb 68370.For more information, call402-768-4641TCHS is an equal opportunity employer anddoes not disen'minate against any person onthe basis of race, color, national origin, dis-ability, or age. 12%: FOR SALE- $500 Police lmpounds!Cars from $500! Tax Repos, USMarshal and IRS sales! Cars, Trucks,SUVs, Toyota, Honda, Chevrolet,more! For Listings, Call 1-800-298-4150 x1026.LOOKING FOR the classic car, truckor motorcycle of your dreams? Go towww.midwestclassiccarscom. Itâsyour midwest connection to classicvehicles for sale. Need to sell aclassic vehicle? Foronly $25, youradwith photos will run until sold! Callthisnewspaper today for more informa-tion. 23-Recreatioâhal2002 TERRY, 27-ft. camper with 13-ft. slide. Excellent condition. Usedlittle and shedded. $13,000 firm. Call402â879-4320 or 402-984-9994.23-12-401976 EXCEL, 21 -ft. camper, bumper-pull, tandem axle. Stove with oven.refrigerator, furnace, air conditioner,shower. Real nice. 785-378-3864.23-12-2p City Office, 785-378-3141.All, EOE, M-F-Veteran-Handicapped, Drug testingMcDaniel MemorialJosh and Krystal Trimble, OwnersâOver 50 ears creating timeless memories.Order N OW for Memorial Day!785-243-2466 1-866-543-24661903 E. 7thHours: MondayâFriday, 9-5Lifeguards WantedThe City of Mankato is taking applications for seasonal partâtime help for SWIMMING POOL LIFEGUARDS for the 2007 'season. Interested applicants can obtain an application atthe City Office, 202 E. Jefferson, Mankato, Kansas. Com-pleted applications need to be returned to the same address,by no later than May 1, 2007. For information contact the$1,000 Hiring Bonus!!!The Nelson Good Samaritan Center is currently seekingquality individuals to fill the following positionsRN or LPN Charge Nurse0 Part-time evening shift, 2-10 pm.0 Fullâtime night shift, 10 run-6 a.m.ContactAngela Hanson-Carver, RN, BSN, Director of NursingNelson Good Samaritan Center, 150 W. 8th Street I Nelson, Neb.or you may call us at 402-225-241124-Real Estate HUD HOMES from $199 per month! 'Foreclosures, VA, FSBO, ,etc. Stoprenting and buy! 4 percent down, 30years at 8.5 percent. For local list-ings, 800-618-0668 x $888. BANK FORECLOSURES! Homesfrom $10,000! 1-3 bedroom available!HUD, Repos, REO, etc. These homesmust sell! For Listings Call 1-800-425-1620 ext. 3425.26 - NoticeBANKRUPTCY: FAST relief fromcreditors. Statewide filing. Afford- able rates. Call Steffens Law Officeat 308-872-8327 Or visit online We are a debtrelief agency, which helps people filebankruptcy under the bankruptcycode. . lSPECIALS! 3 door glass coolers,hoodlessfryers, soft serve machines.New and used complete line ofres-taurant and bar equipment. Publicwelcome! Restaurant EquipmentOutlet, 2121 Floyd Boulevard, SiouxCity, Iowa 51104, 800-526-7105.SOCIAL SECURITY disability claims;Saunders Saunders AttorneysatLaw, No recovery, No fee! 1-800â259-8548.WORLDâS LARGEST gun show -Saturday and Sunday, March 31 andApril 1 - Tulsa, Okla. Fairgrounds.Saturday 8 a.m.-6 p.m., Sunday 8a.m.-4pm. Wanenmacher Produc-tions. Free appraisals. Bring yourguns! What does that spell? Pi-ano! Hurry in and get yours today!Great savings and easy financingavailable at Mid-America Piano, Man-hattan. 1-800-950-3774.66-Thank youTHANK YOU to everyone who helpedto make my 79th birthday open housesuch a memorable event. It was thebest birthday I have ever had. Lyleand Jean Miller. 36-13-1pTHANK YOU, family and friends, forattending my 80th birthday surpriseparty and for the cards, gifts andflowers. Special thanks to my chil-dren for planning the party. GlenAurand. 36-13.-1pTHANKS TO my family and friendsfor making my 100th birthday so extraspecial. Pauline Harkins. 36-1 3-1 pTHE FAMILY ofLoy Robb sends oUr appreciatiorrferell theprayers, cardsand kindnessshown to Loy and ourfamily during his hospital stay and hispassing. Special thanks to Dr. Chanand the staff at Webster County Com-munity Hospital. Virginia Robb andfamily. 36-13-1pMoran asks for FSAinvestigationCongressman Jerry Moran Tucs-day asked the House Agriculture Com-mittee to examine problems at the FarmService Agency (FSA), including anineffective computer system and de-lays farmers are experiencing whensigning up for Direct and Counterâcyclical Programs (DCP). Moran askedChairman Collin Peterson to conduct ahearing to investigate the situation andbegin ï¬nding ways to resolve it.âFor many months, farmers andranchers across Kansas have informedme of the antiquated and inept comâputer system used by FSA," Moransaid. âIn one FSA ofï¬ce in Kansas, thestaff must shut down all of the comput-ers in the ofï¬ce to download a singleform onto the system. Not only doesthis delay producer signâups, but it is awaste of staff time and taxpayer dol-lars. I am worried that the problemsfarmers and ranchers are experiencingtoday are just the beginning and thatConcordia 9â9c DCP sign-up deadline because of prob-lems with the computer system. Thedelay in DCP sign-ups is also beingcaused by extensive FSA paperworkreviews of all farm operations. Thereviews were ordered afterâaudit ï¬nd-ings showed 11 percent of FSA pay-.ments were improper. However, about91 percent of the improper paymentswere attributable to paperwork errors.âWhile the government should beheld accountable and every effortshould be made to correct paperworkerrors, forcing unnecessary audits thatdelay DCP sign-ups and payments toproducers who are in compliance isunjustiï¬ed," Moran said. .â Action by the House AgricultureCommittee also comes at an importanttime as FSA is in the processof con- .âsolidating county ofï¬ces. FSA is tell-ing farmers and ranchers that consoli-dation will not adversely affect thembecause they can complete the paper-work online. This has not been thecase, however, because the computersystem cannot even handle current in- ,ofï¬ce use.Moran is a senior member of theHouse Committee on Agriculture. Extension NeWs Letâs look at additional feeding op-portunities today, not tomorrow. Thincows (nutritionally deprived) do notbreed well. Logic would say that thincows potentially have more problemsassociated with pregnancy, adequateimmune response, and subsequent coâlostrum and milk production follow-ing calving.While trying to calve the cows, theassociated poor nutritional impacts ofnewborn calves can be manifested byincreased health problems, such asscours and more seriously the loss ofcalvesâThe solution is not difï¬cult, if oneinvolves a good nutritionist and comâmon sense. Supplementation is an adâditional cost to the operation, but theright supplement can be beneï¬cial forproduction and ï¬nancial reasons. Poornutrition because of cost actually costsyou more in the long run.A big point - not all the cows arethin. Some are moderately conditionedand doing ï¬ne, while others are on thefat side, if not more than fat. Thesegroups of cows need to behandled andfedrdifferently.The-most practical solution is tosplit the herd into at least two groups.Those cows that are thin, showing nofleshiness or even some âobvious riband bone structure, need to be sortedout. These cows are more than likelysome of the more productive cows inthe cow herd, having put their heartinto raising a good calf," ,Their milk production warrants theextra feed and the need to recoup isreal. In addition to these thins cows,younger cows also may be added tothis group or grouped by themselvessimply because they are not high in thepecking order, so older, bossier coWswill dominate their portion of thesupplement.The same is true for the old cows,but frankly, sell them during a dryyear. The other group should be thebetter-conditioned, mature cows andshould be fed accordingly. This groupof cows should not require the greaterdegree of supplementation the ï¬rst sortneeds.There is a third group, which are fatcows. In- herds thatdOnât have goodrecords, there can be asigniï¬cant num-ber of poor-producing cows that do notmilk well and simply keep their calfcompany for the summer. These cowsare good mothers, but they tend toproduce light calves. Granted, this alsois a function of frame. Some smallerâframe cows simply may flesh easily,but take a good look at their calves. Ifthey are not what you think they shouldbe. those fat cows will sell well.MacâsKwik Stop785-378-322912-2cSwimm The City of Mankato is taking acants must be at least 18 years from p.m-.-7 a.m. Will work three Manager Wanted 1 ,help for SWIMMING POOL Manager for the 2007 season. Appli-cants can obtain an-application at the City Office, 202 E. Jefferson,Mankato, Kansas. Completed applications need to be returned tothe same address, by no later than May 1, 2007. For informationcontact the City Office, 785-378-3141.Animal Care- Night ShiftCedar Lane Breeders LLC, a progressive and family-owned dog kennellocated near Hardy, Neb., is seeking a self-starting, honest individual tofill a full-time position in a challenging and team-oriented environment. IQualified candidates for this position must be disciplined and have astrong attention to detail. Work schedule will consist of 12âhour shiftsthree nights on, etc. Starting wage is $10 per hour with an opportunity forperformance based bonus and health insurance reimbursement. If you aremotivated and LOVE ANIMALS, this opportunity could be for you! Giveus a call today for an opportunity to interview for this position.Cedar Lane Breeders, LLC"Raising Better Pets Every Day.â(877) 934 7883 NE.Winners in the cultural arts contest at the Jewell County Family andCommunity Spring Tea show their wmning.: ..entries; (From left) Velma Garman, Nola Bess Atwood, Doris Worm, IreneBrainard and Thelma Beam. OdessaHomemakers Community Club, Esbon, hosted the event in Esbon Monday.The bettom line is, do not wait. Fallis the. time to bring cows back intocondition, and if you are going to buysome supplement, put it where it needsto go. M0ve the calves to the lot, feedthem well and split the cow herd. Those'I needing extra, feed them well, and forthose holding theirown,just feed them.Sort, sort and then sort some more.Remember,'thin cows will only bethinner at calving unless you do someâthing now. _âWith the shortage and high price ofhay in 2006, leftovers after harvestingcorn and milo are valuable. If grazingis managed properly; stalks can beutilized as feed yet leave enough resi-due to provide soil protection fromwind and water in addition to catchingwinter moisture that drifts through.Cows can consume 25 to 30 percent ofthe available residue, still leavingenough material to prevent soil ero-sion. ,Non-lactating, spring-calving beefcows can be maintained on diets com-prised primarily of corn and grain sor-ghum residues from weaning until midto late pregnancy with a minimum ofprotein supplementation. supplemen-tation with protein and possible energymay be necessary as the cows nutri- Itional requirements increase 50-60 daysbefore calving. Grain sorghum leavesare generally higher in protein thancorn leaves, and adequate for covirs inmid to late gestation.Sorghum grain left in the ï¬eld is notutilized as well as corn, because theberryâs hard outer coat makes it moredifficult for the animal to digest. Cattlecan founder in grain sorghum ï¬eldswhen excessive grain is left after har-vest. This indicates there is utilization.Salt, phOSphorus, calcium and vi-tamin A supplements are recommendedfor all cattle grazing crop residues.These canbe supplied free:choice._,Monitorbody condition of mature cowsgrazing milo stubble. If they appear tobe losing condition, supplement pro-tern.Stubble has its greatest feed valueshortly after harvest, with the carryingcapacity dependent on the amount andtype of grain and residue left in thefield, method of pasturing and weatherconditions. The most efficient way tograze stubble is using more cattle forshorter periods of time because there isless selective grazing, and cattle willconsume more low-quality material.Two potential problems are prussicacidand nitrates. Prussic acid is a conâcern on grain sorghum stubble if thereis regrowth, or corn stalks if there isJohnson grass. This growth should betested. After a killing freeze, wait 7 tol0 days to allow prussic acid to dissi-pate and it will no longer be a problem.Reinkc Manufacturing Company, Inc. is currentlyaccepting applications for a Human ResourceAssistant. Qualified candidate will perform a widevariety of clerical duties in connection with recruiting,rtafflng. indoctrination of employees, benefitsadministration. compensation, and the preparation andmaintenance of Human Resource files and records.Excellent communication skills (oral and written) arerequired. Computer literacy with Microsoft OfficeSuite - Word. Excel, and PowerPoint is also required.Equivalent to high school education with two or moreyears of additional college level course work related tohusiness training or Human Resources is preferred.Qualiï¬ed candidates can fax or send resume to:Reinke Manufacturing Company, Inc.PO Box 566Dcshlcr, NE 68340Equal Opportunity Employer MIFâReinkewas nIoHr mAN nAIN 13â2âcing Poolpplications for seasonal part-timeof age or older. Interested appli-9-9cnights on, then three nights off, then Leta Frost, Esbon, displays a mounted collection showing some-of theIndian artifacts she used in her presentation at Jewell County FCE SpringTeaMonday.While nitrates will not go away withthe freeze, most nitrates. are concen-trated in the lowei watcher thâc stalkand not usually a problem whenâgraz-ing, unless there is extreme pressure.Finally on renting stalks, setting a. value is always tough. When I did a'survey two yearsago there Was a widerange of responses, with the value ef-fected by: accessibility, fence, water,ï¬eld size, amount of residue, distancefrom home. 'Health care for vetssubject of legislationCongressman Jerry Moran intro-duced legislation to provide morehealth care options for veterans livingin rural areas.The Rural Veterans Access to CareAct would enable rural veterans en-rolled in the Veterans Affairs healthsystem to receive care closer to homeatalocal hospital or community physiâciansâ office rather than traveling longdistances to VA facilities.âIt is not right to penalize someveterans because of where they live," The Superior Good Samaritan Center is seeking applicationsfor full-time or part-time,Medication Aides or Nursing AssistantsInterested applicants should contact' . Ann Tuma, RN, C, Director Of Nursingat 402-879-4791.Superior Good Samaritan Center1710 Idaho, âSuperior, Neb., 68978An Equal Opportunity Employrr; AA: ivl-f-VrtiâranHandicapped, DrugTi'sfingPart-time LiarianMoran said. âThough we have beenSuccessful .atâ opening several VA outâpatient clinics in Kansas, not every'community has a facility or is close toa VA-hospital. Lack of access to VAcare remains a real challenge for veter-ans living in rural areas and too oftenmeans these veterans are forgoing thecare and treatment they need. The reâsult is that rural veterans are in minorhealth than their urban counterparts: Itis time to provide these veterans theaccess to health care they have earnedâ.Today, 44 percent of the nationâsmilitary recruits corn'c from rural ar-eas. This legislation allows the mostunderservcd rural veterans, 'old andyoung alike, to take advantage of exist-in g rural health providers, such as localhospitals, community. health centersand rural health clinics. To qualify, aveteran must live at least 60 miles froma VA primary care facility like an outâpatient clinic, l20 miles from a VAhospital or 240 miles from a VA speâcialized care facility. Additionally, theVA would be required to fill prescrip-tions written by nonâVA doctors forthese veterans.1241C mitted by April 14.The new Burr Oak Community Library, Jewell CountyLibrary District 1, is seeking aPart-time Librarian.15-17 hours per weekat $625 per hourCall 785-647â7541 or eâmail for anapplication and job description. Applications must be sub-We are an Equal Opportunity Employer Consignment uctidn MikkelsengTuesday, April 17 0 10:30 a.m.(Advertising deadline-Monday, April 2)Location: 1 mile west of Superior High School on W. Eighth St.Will be consigning and selling:Farm machinery and equipment Vehicles - Boats -Campers - Motorcycles â ATVs â ToolsAntiques and CollectiblesWe will accept consignments up to the day of the sale. To consign, call- Gale Mikkelsen, 402-879-5666- Corey Mikkelsen, 402-879-1504 - or the office, 402-879-4464Real Estate 8: Auction356 E. Third, Superior, Neb. 68978E-Mail 00 Web Site - mikkelsen~realestateâauctionscom 33